by studio22 | Jan 21, 2022 | Blog
In this article, we break down air conditioning back to its bare bones to give you an insider’s view. Every kind of air conditioning system whether it be big or small, expensive, or cheap, new, or old, they’re all designed for the same thing – to cool down...
by studio22 | Jan 14, 2022 | Blog
Have you been getting the feeling that your aircon is just not performing how it used to? After a long day at work, you come home, switch on the aircon and prepare yourself for a relaxing night. But as you settle into your bed to get a good night’s sleep, you notice...
by studio22 | Dec 23, 2021 | Blog
To have your HVAC system function efficiently, it needs to be properly and regularly monitored and maintained. Thorough and routine maintenance can encompass, regular maintenance checks, routinely changing air filters throughout your home as and when it is needed and...
by studio22 | Dec 12, 2021 | Blog
After an exhausting day, nothing feels quite as sublime as getting under the covers and clocking off for the day. Before snoozing off, some people like to pile on layers of clothing or wrap up in a warm doona, while others like to let the temperatures drop...
by studio22 | Nov 29, 2021 | Blog
Summer is coming…and you know what that means? Time to crank on the aircon! With our relentlessly unforgiving climate, having an air conditioning system is a must. Yet as we enjoy the comfort it bestows upon our life and home, we have to contend with rising...
by studio22 | Nov 12, 2021 | Blog
Alright, so it’s a hot summer’s day, and you go to turn your AC unit on…only to realise that little to no air is actually coming out of it! Are you aware that your aircon may break down, even if you believe you have been upkeeping it well? Your aircon needs to be...
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