Much like your home air conditioning system, proper maintenance is crucial to extending the lifespan of your commercial air conditioning system, as well as improving efficiency and minimising operational costs. 

How Often Should I Have a Commercial Air Conditioner Serviced 

How often you have your commercial air conditioner serviced depends on several factors, including the type of system, its usage, and environmental conditions.  

Each system is different, but we’ve outlined some of the factors you should consider below.  

Seasonal Maintenance: Conduct maintenance at the beginning of the cooling season (autumn) and the heating season (spring). This ensures that the system is in optimal condition before it experiences heavy use.  

Heavy Usage: If your commercial facility operates the air conditioning system year-round or has long operating hours, more frequent maintenance may be necessary. Quarterly or even monthly inspections might be appropriate for heavy-use environments. 

Type of System: The type of commercial HVAC system you have can impact the maintenance schedule. For example, rooftop units, split systems, and larger central systems may have different maintenance requirements. 

Manufacturer Recommendations: You should refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines for specific recommendations on maintenance intervals. Some systems may come with recommendations for service frequency and specific maintenance tasks. 

Local Climate: The climate in your region can influence the maintenance needs of your air conditioning system. If your area experiences extreme temperatures or high humidity, more frequent maintenance may be beneficial. 

Age of the System: Older systems may require more frequent maintenance to ensure they continue to operate efficiently. Regular inspections can also help identify and address potential issues before they become major problems. 

Customised Maintenance Plans: Work with a qualified air conditioning professional to develop a customised maintenance plan based on the specific needs and conditions of your commercial facility. 

As a general guideline, it is recommended to have your air conditioner professionally serviced at least twice a year.  

By following a regular maintenance schedule, you can optimise the performance of your commercial air conditioning system, extend its lifespan, and minimise the risk of unexpected breakdowns at inopportune times. It’s important to work with qualified commercial air conditioning professionals to perform these maintenance tasks and address any issues that may arise during inspections. 

What Regular Maintenance is Done on a Commercial Air Conditioner?  

One of the most common questions we get asked is what is done during regular maintenance. It’s not as simple as it may sound, and there are quite a few things we do, but they are all done for a reason. Our regular maintenance inspections can catch small issues before they become big issues, which can then end up costing you a lot more money.  

Regular maintenance typically involves tasks such as cleaning or replacing air filters, inspecting and cleaning coils, checking refrigerant levels, lubricating moving parts, inspecting ductwork, and ensuring the overall efficiency and safety of the system. 

Depending on your system, here are the things we look at during a service appointment.  

  • Replace or clean air filters regularly. Clogged filters reduce airflow, making the system work harder and potentially causing damage. 
  • Clean the evaporator and condenser coils. Dirty coils reduce the system’s ability to cool efficiently and can lead to compressor damage. 
  • Ensure that the condensate drain is clear. Clogs can lead to water damage and affect indoor humidity levels. 
  • Regularly check refrigerant levels and ensure there are no leaks. Low refrigerant levels can reduce efficiency and lead to compressor failure. 
  • Regularly inspect and clean the ductwork to ensure proper airflow. Leaks or blockages can decrease efficiency and lead to uneven cooling. 
  • Check and tighten electrical connections. Faulty connections can be dangerous and cause the system to operate inefficiently. 
  • Ensure that thermostats are calibrated correctly to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature without overworking the system. 
  • Inspect fan blades for damage and ensure they are clean. Damaged or dirty blades can reduce airflow and strain the system. 
  • Check belts for signs of wear and tear. Replace any worn-out belts to prevent system inefficiencies. 
  • Regularly lubricate moving parts such as motors and fans. Proper lubrication reduces friction and extends the life of these components. 
  • Keep track of the system’s performance by monitoring temperature and humidity levels. Any significant deviations may indicate a problem that requires attention. 
  • Use programmable thermostats to set temperature schedules based on occupancy. This helps reduce unnecessary strain on the system during off-hours. 

Did you know that we can also train your maintenance staff to easily identify and recognise potential issues so that they can report them promptly, allowing extra maintenance to take place. This ensures that your system is being looked after when we aren’t on-site and can help to stop minor problems from escalating.  

How Long Should a Commercial Air Conditioner Last 

The age-old question – how long should you expect to get from your air conditioning system in your commercial building? Unfortunately, it isn’t a straight answer.  

The lifespan of a commercial air conditioning system can vary based on several factors, including the type of system, the quality of installation, maintenance practices, and the operating environment.  

On average, a well-maintained and properly installed commercial HVAC system can last between 15 to 25 years. However, it’s important to note that some components may need replacement or major repairs before reaching the end of the system’s overall lifespan. 

One of the biggest factors that influence the lifespan of your commercial air conditioner is regular maintenance. Systems that receive routine inspections, filter changes, and other preventive measures tend to last longer. 

The quality of the installation is another big factor, as is having the right system installed for your usage. If the system is not installed correctly, it can lead to inefficiencies, premature wear, and a shorter overall lifespan. If you have a smaller system than required installed, you will find that the system needs to work a lot harder to cool the space, which can lead to parts breaking before necessary.  

Environmental conditions also come into play when looking at the lifespan of your system; for example, exposure to corrosive elements, extreme temperatures, or high humidity levels can accelerate wear and tear. 

Finally, the type of system you have installed will also affect the lifespan of your system. Rooftop units, split systems, and chilled water systems will generally have different lifespans. 

To maximise the lifespan of your commercial air conditioner, it’s crucial to invest in professional installation, adhere to a regular maintenance schedule, and promptly address any issues that arise. Regular inspections by qualified HVAC technicians can help identify potential problems early, allowing for timely repairs or adjustments that can extend the system’s operational life. 

It is also important to note that advances in technology may make older systems obsolete or less efficient over time. If it has been a while since your system was installed, or your needs have changed, upgrading to newer, more energy-efficient models may be something to consider.  

Should I Use Professional Air Conditioning Maintenance for My Commercial Air Conditioner? 

Much like any job, you could do it yourself, but if you’re a business owner, there’s a good chance you don’t have the time or the experience.  

It is highly recommended to use a professional air conditioning maintenance team for your commercial air con system. These are expensive units, and we know that you don’t want to be wasting money on fixes that don’t work.  

There are a few reasons we recommend having a professional maintain your air conditioning system at your business.  

Expertise and Experience 

Professionals have specialised knowledge and training in HVAC systems. They understand the intricacies of various air conditioning models and can identify potential issues that might go unnoticed by someone without specific expertise. This experience allows technicians to efficiently diagnose problems, perform maintenance tasks, and make recommendations for optimal system performance. 

Comprehensive Inspections 

Professionals conduct thorough inspections of your air conditioning system. They check all components, including the electrical and mechanical parts, refrigerant levels, and the overall system performance. 

Comprehensive inspections help identify issues early on, preventing them from escalating into major and costly problems. 

Safety Compliance 

HVAC professionals are aware of safety protocols and standards. They can ensure that the maintenance work is done safely and in compliance with relevant regulations. Safety is crucial when working with electrical components, refrigerants, and other potentially hazardous elements of an air conditioning system. 

Efficient and Proper Maintenance 

Professionals have the tools and equipment necessary to perform maintenance tasks efficiently. They can clean coils, replace filters, check and tighten electrical connections, and perform other tasks with precision. 

Proper maintenance helps the system operate at peak efficiency, reducing energy consumption and preventing unnecessary wear and tear. 

Preventive Measures 

Professionals focus on preventive maintenance, addressing potential issues before they turn into major problems. This proactive approach can save you money by avoiding costly repairs and replacements. 

Warranty Compliance 

Many manufacturers require professional maintenance as a condition for maintaining the warranty on the air conditioning system. Hiring a professional ensures that you meet these requirements and keep the warranty intact. 

Time and Convenience 

HVAC professionals have the experience to complete maintenance tasks efficiently, saving you time and effort. Hiring a professional allows you to focus on your core activities and responsibilities, leaving the maintenance of your air conditioner in capable hands. 

Long-Term Cost Savings 

While there is an upfront cost to hiring professionals for maintenance, the long-term cost savings can be significant. Regular maintenance can extend the life of your air conditioner, reduce energy bills, and prevent major breakdowns. 

Choosing a professional for air conditioner maintenance provides you with the assurance that your system is in capable hands, operating efficiently, and receiving the necessary attention to prevent issues. It’s an investment in the longevity and performance of your HVAC system. 

Prioritising professional maintenance for your commercial air conditioning system is an investment that pays off very quickly. By entrusting the care of your commercial air conditioner to professionals, you not only optimise its performance but also contribute to the seamless operation of your business.  

Stay proactive, save on long-term costs, and enjoy the benefits of a well-maintained air conditioning system that keeps your workspace comfortable and conducive to productivity. 

IACS Can Help  

At IACS we are proud to work with leading brands like MDV Air Conditioners and SAVIER Air handling products in assisting our clients with their air conditioning needs. Contact us for more about our services for commercial customers in Perth and Brisbane.